11:45 pm . fork
tried to replace you while walking to the living room
ended up in bed with the smoggiest head
felt the implication with a leaden hand
& thought to take an extra day
to find myself insisting
the same old notion
over & over

there's not enough time to tell
if you are the kind to say
the inappropriate thing
at the perfect moment

& to tell the truth, it all escapes me.
the need to gamble all the suppositions
on terrible needs pressed between nights,
& i have forsaken all the perfection
to end up as the simplest
question mark

you & i in broken rooms,
with excessive minutes
filling up a clock. that dark
voice filled with ambrosia,
lyrics on mute that fall
into the spaces between.
don't have the forwardness
or the strength, the ability
to break you down
into words.

nostalgia . uncertainty