12:41 pm . loud
yes, i have fallen at your feet
begging to stay & go & stay
trying & trembling & then
finding my feet. yes, yes,
yes, i still wear red for kicks
i was wearing it the first time
you looked at me, really
looked. "yes" i keep saying
& relaying & knowing. & you
don't know how low i'd go,
how far & low i'd make myself go
just to get away, oh. i need to
escape from all this, all this.

skies never catch fire
these days, when ash fallen
from the trees is too rare.
faithful buildings that talk
about you & me, they are
whispering things. do you see?
do you hear? of course you do.
great philosophers such as you
they always do, they always know.

again, i find need to retrace
my steps. from my very first to the
sidewalks i've traversed,
& the kitchens i've crossed,
& the galleries, & the gardens & the shores,
to lead me here, only here
in this chair
all black leather & arms
all lies & truths in one
all of me in a simple noun
but i am getting quite mad
i am becoming unsure.
this is too much
another monday, another monday
another day, they are all
the same. violet, gold,
trick wires & the
magician's coin.

no, i do not need or want
no, i do not care anymore
this is just my head collapsed,
emotions paused; my reason
set alight & dying fast.
now & then, at least
i still wear red
for kicks.

nostalgia . uncertainty