7:21 p.m. . glimpse
my friends,
is that too strong a word?
we will march on regardless

i feel blue
no... that's not adequate

i didn't mean
for it to be like this

i don't want to be angry
but i am.

you did this to me
did you know?
no... i suspect
that you don't
you never fucking know

this evening i thought you did
or else why did you
tell me?

as if i need a warning
just before you plunge
a dagger through my

as if i need a warning

i'm not you,
i'm nothing like you
((thank god))

i realised that
tears mean so much more
when you cry alone.

my heart will surely burst
it will.

you make me feel cheap
dirty, spiteful
i fucking hate you

so what?
i took my time
you did not.
you've won
i've lost

at least i didn't have to lie.

plain sight
that's where it happened
i almost feel cheated
i don't want to know
i don't want to know
i don't want to know
i don't want to know
i already do.

and now...
i find a place in the background
back where i belong
a place in the shadows
you might glimpse my skin
and nothing more

i don't want to
hold your hand
i want to break it
break it
break it

what i want to say is;
you started it
i was just a fool to join in
just a fool

nostalgia . uncertainty