12:40 am . adrift
lose myself in your manner,
perfectioned if only by some
fictitous chain of events
that you would see me
spinning, take me by
the bareness of my neck
say hello. let us go
pour ourselves over the grass,
enter avenues, create a philosophy
& after all that
a movie.

hello indeed.

i'd ask you about what you believe,
what you don't. your favourite way to
pass the time? maybe i'll say
you've got a voice like honey&claret,
can you sing like frank sinatra?
bob dylan perhaps, when you are hungover?
i'm hopeless, i know. but i play the guitar
when i remember, open letters with great unease,
& my favourite colour is grey.

stand by the window where i think you might take me,
to drop embers on the carpet, in the corner
steal you away with quiet confidence
maybe you are mine just for august,
it will be enough.

obsession wraps itself
around the depths of my head
smokes into my every action,
fills up my hours & intentions
but oh, of all my addictions
you'd be the most exquisite.

nostalgia . uncertainty