5:20 pm . catatonia
walk through wet streets
with the sense that everyday
is the same
i miss you so.

enter through the arches
with the langour of
a drifter, dying.

exit without thought,
some blind excuse.

there's a boy&girl kissing
against the wall, in the grass

wander the arcades, emerge
with a redvelvet bag worth
weeks of dreaming.

take a perfect cup of coffee from the street cafe,
where a gentleman smiles with such sincerity
it is hard not to smile back.
he talks of what is
in the news today.

tired & aching
sit in the park, under
a palm tree reaching for the sky
try to lose myself in a manifesto
but i don't have the attention span.
watch the clouds fade away
& the trees come to life.

follow a path home
to try & remember what it's like to sink,
twist beliefs around the thought
click my fingers for good luck,
recite a fairytale to myself
but try to avoid the prose.

your name appears all over the horizon,
but a strip of light under the doorway
tells me you aren't hiding there

scrape soles against the pavement
in a gesture of awkwardness,
come to a sudden realisation;
even though i want to say 'hello'
i still struggle with 'goodbye'

nostalgia . uncertainty