9:24 pm . dive
do you know the kind of mess
i have gotten myself into?
forgetting which way to look
while finding dust on the window.
seeing the simplicity of the hour,
the paradox of asking, but
i'm begging you just
to understand.

streaks of the same old thing
falling down my face, while watching
water come to a rapid boil, listening
to angry inflections attach themselves
to your voice. ripping the notion
straight out of my chest, constantly
twisting a concrete heart
all in one process.

maybe defiance has finally led me somewhere,
beyond the wall that let me hide it,
perhaps it is finally time to find
some strength in all the chaos
that i leave behind?

all the tears in the world
are not enough to fix me,
they're not enough to make you see.
i don't mean to disappoint you,
but there's so much more at risk.

nostalgia . uncertainty