1:07 am . elsewhere
no matter how hard or tired or dreamless i feel or am or will be, there's only certainty in a moment, a second. i'm yours. i am earth. i am sunday-morning-cups-of-coffee. i am jazz. i am a postcard. i am grey. i am free. i am chained. i am oil, water, honey. i am wonderfulsadmadbreakfallwaketalksolitude&hands.

wine. holiday. grass. barefeet. movies. sharks. suede.
c r a s h.

years between our
last conversation,
seems so sad that
couldn't connect.
but there's something
so comforting in that.

sinking into a
lovely silence
only the road ahead,
across. the fitful
breeze & a ghost of
the sky. if you could,
would you pour this in
a bottle?

how could it end
any other way?

nostalgia . uncertainty