8:05 pm . exhale
i love getting dressed
for wet weather,
buying new umbrellas
they're always the same kind.

wrap a scarf around my shoulders
but wish it was crimsom
so it could strike you
& you'd bleed
from the back of your head.

smile at the girl
who tickles my neck
as she sits
behind me.

for some strange reason
on the bus
every conversation,
digression & remark
seems to hold your name.

black tauplin stretched over
the tray of a ute
seems like a sad,
soaken drum
playing in the rain.

wander past the threshold, hoping
that the silence could strangle us all,
i have been here before
i have.

push the door right into the room,
notice the slightest movement
i hope that it is you
((i do not think it is))

but no matter, because
i love getting dressed
for wet weather.

nostalgia . uncertainty