9:42 pm . mourning over midnight
it startles me
the way i
pull you close
push you away.

like some sort of
hollow ballet

but i
dance alone
and i
always have.

i just like to
pretend that
you are
with me.
((not against me))

watched willy wonka and the chocolate factory.
wasn't the book called
charlie and the chocolate factory?

when charlie bucket
unwraps his
second chocolate bar,
even though i know
that he will find
the very last
golden ticket,
my heart still skips a beat.

& when veruca salt
drops through the
eggducator chute,
while singing
"i want it all"
i think
yes! take that you insolent bitch.

still have not
begun my

i would rather;
read and sleep,
drink tea in the dark,
and make you
a melody.

but time would
not have it be

thinking that
if i
sprawl myself
in front of you,
you will either
help me up
or walk
all over me.

would you still recognise my face if it were under your feet?

tell me now;
can i trust you?

i really don't think i can.
i really don't think i will

and if you could just
read your expression
you would see that i
will never need a mirror

& this is why
i keep running

nostalgia . uncertainty