7:12 pm . pilgrim
walk through the streets
i know them too well
under the dustyblack sky
they're just as enchanting.

close my eyes while making my way
down the quietest avenue in the world,
wonder, fear, freedom
lace themselves into the air.

oh, it is surprisinglovely
how a tuesday night walk
can illuminate the foolishness
of a girl who does not know
how little she knows.

recall the moment
only four hours before,
of you & i & the irony.
smiling at last
before we don't meet

that gorgeous face need never know
about the crazy busdriver
who alternates between brake
& accelerator with abandon,
about the elegant leaves
making shadows on the pavement,
about the cobblestone steps
leading into a fortress.

i doubt that face
will ever want to.
i still follow you carelessly

nostalgia . uncertainty