7:14 p.m. . infatuation
just breathing.

after school
it is almost three:thirty
i cannot decide...

no, i never could

the feeling of sunshine
through my school shirt
and i wonder

i wonder if you will see me?
talk to me even?
i wonder if you'll ever just go away?
i wonder if you're telling truth or lie?
i wonder where to put my water bottle.
i wonder if i will ever try chai tea?


a scene stained orange,
a fortress perched upon a hill.
trills of laughter,
a scathing glance.

the grass is long, reedy, green
i want to run my hands through it
i don't.

sitting on the footpath,
void of dignity or grace
i wonder if this is normal?
my lips run dry
my taste buds are screaming
my eyes are losing faith
for the words on my palms

occasionally i look up,
the fortress stands
as always

cars; shiny, fast, rattling, threatening
i wonder where you are?

underneath a palm tree
flooded with meaningless
lost in a book
happy and sad

just where have i placed my thoughts?

looking in the opposite direction
i lose sight of you,
just barely.

tailcoats fluttering in your wake
you've seen me
and said nothing
i wonder what i've done?

i want to say 'hello'
but instead i'll pretend
i didn't see you at all.

nostalgia . uncertainty