10:13 am . imprint of thought
lace my fingers
around a paper cup
like the one
that john lennon sung about?
perhaps not.

ah, my incoherency
is getting stronger by the day
like you//miss you
i am a muddle
is that portmanteau?
puddle + mud
musing amusing musing

my telephone
has not rung
for days
((that's a lie, rosie called me just last night))

a bruise that
is violent-shocking-purple
you tell me that
you earned it
i suppose all of us do.

oh, last night
we drove through
the city
and isn't it wonderful?
in all its artificial stupour.
lights that come in centuries
the colour grey-blue
vivid green and pink
and yellow
glinting in the

just another way of saying
you're one of manymanymany
but it's brilliant to be
little and small against
the big dark city.
feeling obscure
without the sting of being
hurt like only you can do
well, this is

wrote it like i'll
never read it again.
wrote it like
you will.

infused with eclectic
for all that can be said and done
more is usually said than

my parents are
going to play the pokies
and drink ((beer))
and go riding on bikes
and ignore me for the day
thank goodness.
i've been a moody bitch of late

i want to buy books and bags
frivolous, indulgence
an aesthetic curse

i can do this with
a bit of
teapots and
old scuffed shoes

i can't be cured.

nostalgia . uncertainty